Community Connection

70 Years of Community Involvement

As a community-founded and operated bank, our communities are very important to us. We are grounded in our communities, and our roots run deep. We try to get involved in as many local organizations as we can in an attempt to try to give back as much as possible!

Chances are you'll even see one of our hometown M C Bank representatives at a local event. If you ever see our logo, please drop by to say hello – we'd love to hear from you!

Community Donations

Sharing the Hometown Spirit is all about giving back to our communities--through volunteer service hours, in-kind support, or financial sponsorships. To request support from M C Bank, please provide the information outlined here: Charitable Giving Guidelines - M C Bank.

Scholarship Program

M C Bank loves to aid in the success of deserving students. We currently offer four annual scholarships to graduating high school seniors at Central Catholic High School, Berwick High School, Morgan City High School, and Patterson High School. To apply to become a scholarship recipient, please check with your high school guidance counselor for details.

Education Program

M C Bank’s Making Cents Program addresses the critical need for our community bank to actively involve itself in area schools where we serve. Currently, the M C Bank’s Making Cents Program is offered at the first and seventh grade levels to teach financial literacy. The program at the first-grade level teaches students how to identify different denominations of money while incorporating mathematic and literacy skills. It also reviews needs and wants and introduces students to the 50 States Quarters Program. The program at the seventh-grade level teaches students how to budget from a real world prospective using decision making, setting goals, and organizing skills. Each year M C Bank’s Making Cents program reaches over 1,000 students in our local schools.

Activity with Local Organizations

M C Bank management and employees are actively involved in the following organizations:

We are actively involved in the following organizations:
  • St. Mary Chamber of Commerce
  • Rotary Club
  • Lions Club
  • Kiwanis Club
  • St. Mary Parish Community Fund
  • St. Mary Outreach
  • Broussard Chamber of Commerce
  • Youngsville Chamber of Commerce
  • American Heart Association
  • American Cancer Society
  • Central Catholic Elementary Advisory Board
  • Boy Scouts of America
  • Local Youth Sports
  • American Legion
  • To name just a few…